This was the first dish my mother ever taught me to make. After 20 years of tweaking I think I'm finally happy with my technique. Here's my list of tips:
1. Don't turn the stove up any higher than medium. It takes longer but they don't get as tough.
2. Add herbs or cheese at the end of cooking. The herbs will retain their flavor and the cheese won't blend too much into the background of the eggs.
3. Take the eggs off the burner just before they are fully set. This would be a good time to add things like chives, parsley, cheese etc.
4. Onions, mushrooms, peppers or anything else that needs cooking to soften can be done before the eggs are added to the pan.
5. I don't add milk, cream, half and half or any of the like. More liquid makes them runny. For richness, throw a dollop of sour cream in the scrambled egg mixture before whisking.
6. Whisk in plenty of salt and pepper. Nothing worse that bland scrambled eggs.
7. Don't stir them around too much. Let chunks form.
8. A garnish of chives and extra cracked pepper is heavenly.
9. Butter at the bottom of the pan will add nice flavor and prevent sticking. Teflon pans are not required.
10. Put a lid on the pan for a few minutes to let the top as well as the bottom cook. See #7.
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